Work items

When you open various items, such as a form, document, query. or profile, the name of the item appears as a link in the left pane below the application hubs. These links are known as work items.


A work item preceded by a small dot indicates the item contains unsaved changes. Save often to avoid losing data due to Session timeouts.

  • You can open multiple work items, and they will appear stacked in the order opened.
  • You can navigate between open items by clicking a work item.
  • Closing a work item in the left pane closes the item in the main window. Click Close to close a single item, or CTRL+ Close to close all open work items.
  • When you open a linked item from your active work item, the new item will open as a separate work item.
  • Only a single instance of the same work item can be opened at a time.
  • You can quickly switch between providers in open work items, or open the same work items for additional providers.